Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network: Hearing Impaired & Non-English Service

Usage of 911 for those who are deaf, hearing or speech impaired, or non-English speakers
Phone Icon With Digital Background

In our mission to connect every single person in our area to emergency services when called upon, our system is enabled for TTY/TDD to communicate with those who use assistive devices. 
Our communication center has special text telephones for responding to 9-1-1 calls from deaf or hearing/speech impaired callers. We also interface with callers in over 140 different languages via an interpreter. 

If you have any questions regarding our capabilities for your unique situation, please contact our administrative offices at 830-792-5911. 


  • Stay calm, place the phone receiver into the TTY, call 9-1-1.

  • After the call is answered, press the TTY keys several times. This may help shorten the time necessary to respond to the call.

  • Give the call taker time to connect their TTY. If necessary, press the keys of the TTY again.

  • Tell what is needed-police, fire department or ambulance. Give your name, phone number, and address where help is needed.

  • Stay on the telephone if it is safe. Answer the call taker's questions.

If NOT using TTY/TDD

Call 9-1-1 and don't hang up. Not hanging up leaves the line open. With most 9-1-1 calls, the caller's address is displayed on the call taker's screen and police will be sent. 

For Non-English Speakers: 

  • When necessary, the 9-1-1 call taker can add an interpreter from the AT&T Language Line service, which offers translation in more than 140 different languages.

  • A non-English speaking caller may hear a short conversation in English and some clicking sounds as an interpreter is added to the 9-1-1 call.